Sunday, December 7, 2008

The boys have been asking about their santa hats GG gave them a few years ago and when we got the Christmas decorations out that's the first thing they wanted.
Putting up the train. Another fun thing for the boys after we decorate the tree.

Tyler and I putting up the lights. I'm pretty picky about the lights so I think Randy gave up on helping me but he did help me on the top. I couldn't reach even with a chair.


Jenn said...

So cute! Looks like a nice tree and the boys look adorable! The girls love their hats, too!

Sally said...

Everyone looks adorable! I just called Mom and Petey was there and is going to show Mom how to get to your blog so she can see the pictures too. Your tree is beautiful! We are SO hoping to all get out there for next Christmas! Love, Mom